Cosmos Concepts
- 1 minA Blockchain App Architecture
flowchart LR
A[Cosmos SDK Application Architecture] --> B[Tendermint and CometBFT]
B --> C[Consensus with CometBFT]
B --> D[Application Blockchain Interface ABCI]
B --> E[Cosmos SDK]
B --> F[State Machines]
C --> G[High-performance Consensus Module]
C --> H[Proof-of-Stake with Delegation]
C --> I[Transaction Finalization Process]
D --> J[Socket Protocol for Applications]
D --> K[Security Guarantees]
E --> L[Development Framework]
E --> M[Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol IBC]
F --> N[Replicated State Machine]
F --> O[State Transition Function]
A --> P[Upgradeability of Chains]
A --> Q[Additional Details]
flowchart TD
A[CometBFT] --> B[Networking Layer]
I[Application Process] -- ABCI --> A
A --> C[Consensus Layer/Consensus Engine Process]
B --> E[Peer Discovery]
B --> F[Validator Selection]
C -- controls --> H[State Machine]
C --> J[Staking]
C --> K[Upgrades]
flowchart LR
Q[Additional Details]
Q --> A[CheckTx]
Q --> B[DeliverTx]
Q --> C[BeginBlock]
C --ABCI--> F[CometBFT]
D -- ABCI--> F[CometBFT]
Q --> D[EndBlock]
- checkTx: ask the application layer if a transaction is valid.
- deliverTx: state machine transition
- beginBlock & endBlock:
设计一个下棋项目, 玩家可以互相对弈, 使用最简单的规则. 目的是理解abci和学习如何使用cosmos-sdk, 不要被游戏规则和实现逻辑绕进去了(那不是重点).